I love sharing my thoughts on the books I devour. But I’ve realized that we all have a slightly different scale for rating books and that can be confusing! So, I thought I’d take a moment to break down my personal rating scale. Whether you’re following my reviews on Ink & Imaginings or just curious about how I categorize my reads, here’s how my system works:

⭐ 1 Star
A 1-star book is, unfortunately, a book I couldn’t finish—or one I forced myself to finish and deeply regretted. Typically, these books have glaring issues with the writing, such as inconsistent storytelling, lackluster character development, or problematic content that made it hard to engage. A 1-star book feels like a chore to read.
⭐⭐ 2 Stars
A 2-star book is one I might have DNF’d (did not finish) because I just wasn’t enjoying it. Maybe the plot dragged, the characters fell flat, or it simply didn’t live up to its potential. While there’s usually nothing offensively wrong, it’s the kind of book I feel no guilt setting aside. It’s a “not for me” read, though others might still enjoy it.
⭐⭐⭐ 3 Stars
A 3-star book is solidly “meh” for me. It’s the kind of book I powered through but didn’t love. It had its moments—maybe a clever twist, a standout character, or an intriguing idea—but ultimately, it didn’t leave much of an impression. A 3-star book isn’t bad, it’s just… okay. I wouldn’t discourage anyone from reading it, but I wasn’t my favorite!
⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4 Stars
Now we’re getting to the good stuff! A 4-star book is a really enjoyable read. I had a great time with it, and it likely hooked me with a compelling story, characters I cared about, or writing that swept me away. While it didn’t quite hit the “life-changing” mark, it’s a book I’d recommend to friends and fellow readers. For me, a 4-star book is absolutely worth the time!
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Stars
Ah, the elusive 5-star read! These are the books I fall head over heels for—the ones that I’ll think about long after I’ve closed the cover. A 5-star book is something I’ll re-read, rave about to anyone who will listen, and recommend again and again!
Why Ratings Matter to Me Rating books helps me reflect on what I love (or don’t love) about a story, and it’s also a way to connect with fellow readers. But remember, reading is subjective! A book I give 3 stars might be someone else’s 5-star favorite, and that’s the beauty of storytelling—we all experience it differently.
Why You Won’t See Anything Below 3 Stars on My Blog
No, I don’t just love every single book I read! But you might have noticed that I only post reviews for books that are 3 stars or higher. Here’s why:
I firmly believe in promoting books I enjoy, not tearing down those I didn’t. A 1- or 2-star rating doesn’t mean the book is inherently bad—it just wasn’t for me! And while I will always post my honest ratings on my personal monthly reading tracker, I don’t feel the need to bring negativity to my blog or social media.
Books are someone’s hard work, their creative effort, and often years of their life. Just because I didn’t connect with it doesn’t mean someone else won’t. So instead of focusing on what didn’t work for me, I choose to celebrate the stories I did enjoy!
My goal here isn’t to be a critic but to share books that made me feel something—stories I recommend to friends and family.
This space is about spreading the joy of reading and connecting with other book lovers. There are plenty of places for critical reviews, but here, I’m all about celebrating the books that spark joy!
If you’ve ever wondered about my ratings or how I decide, I hope this post clears it up. I’d love to hear how you rate books—do you have a similar system or something completely different? Let’s chat about it in the comments or on Instagram!